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Call for Papers

The organizers of the Brazilian Mormon Studies Conference seek papers and other presentations for the initial Brazilian Mormon Studies Conference, to be held January 23, 2010 in São Paulo, Brazil. The conference will be presented in Portuguese, Spanish and English, with interpreting for those who do not speak one of those languages.

We invite those interested to submit proposals for scholarly papers, panel discussions, interviews, personal essays, sermons, films, dramatic performances, literary readings, debates, comic routines, art displays, musical performances and other expressions of the Mormon experience. While this conference is to be academic in nature, we encourage submissions from students, non-academics and from amateurs who have interesting and well-expressed presentations to make. Submissions may be on any subject, as long as they involve Mormonism, its history, people or institutions in a significant way. Fields of study might include History, Philosophy and Theology, Sociology and Anthropology, and all expressions of culture, including art, music, literature and film.

The theme of this conference is The Latin American Influence on Mormonism, and presenters are encouraged, but not required, to choose topics that reflect that theme. Topics on this theme might include:

  • Reactions to Mormon Missionaries in Latin America
  • The Relationship of Mormons to established Churches in Latin America
  • The Perception of Mormonism as a U.S. religion
  • The history of  LDS public relations efforts in Latin America
  • etcetera

Because the majority of the audience for this conference has not experienced a similar conference, we will accept submissions that have been presented or published elsewhere.

Those who would like to present or organize a session for the conference should submit either a full paper or a description of their proposed session by December 1, 2009 (we would also love to hear from those interested as soon as possible). Those seeking approval of their paper topics before they write, should send a proposal before November 1, 2009. Full papers should be suitable for a reading time of 25-30 minutes (approximately 3,500 words). Proposals should be approximately 1 page in length (250 words). All submissions should be accompanied by a brief description of the author’s background, or a résumé or CV.

Send submissions to the conference organizers at BMSC10 [at] gmail [dot] com

14 comments to Call for Papers

  • Jonathan Beutler

    What will be the venue of the conference? Look forward to maybe participating!

  • Jonathan, we will post here information about the hotel as soon as its available. We have the hotel reserved, and just need to confirm a few details before it is announced.

  • Gostaria de poder ter mais informação, nomeadamente sobre a oganização do evento, afim de podermos colaborar na sua divulgação por intermédio do GIA (Grupo Informativo Alaum)

  • Rui, estamos preparando um anúncio.

    Sem receber respostas a esse chamado para trabalhos, não sabemos tudo sobre o programa da conferência. O chamado é o primeiro passo.

    Mas queremos, sim, a sua ajuda em divulgar a informação da conferência.

  • […] Those interested in presenting papers can check out the call for papers. […]

  • Mande um prospecto para que eu divulgue aqui em Porto Alegre!!



  • antniotrevisanteixeira

    Caro Edson,

    enviei para seu email maiores detalhes sobre a conferência, bem como a chamada de trabalhos em um arquivo.

    Muito obrigado pelo seu interesse e disposição em divulgar o evento!

  • Como faço minha inscrição?
    Quem está organizando este encontro?

    • antniotrevisanteixeira


      obrigado por seu interesse.

      A inscrição é necessária para os que desejam apresentar trabalhos na Conferência. Nesse caso, você deve nos enviar seu trabalho até o dia 01 de dezembro próximo. A “chamada de trabalhos” acima traz mais detalhes a respeito.

      Aqueles que desejam apenas assistir a conferência não precisam fazer uma inscrição agora.

      Ressaltamos que a conferência é gratuita e aberta a todos os interessados.

      A conferência está sendo organizada por três pessoas, dois brasileiros e um norte-americano, interessados no desenvolvimento dos estudos mórmons no Brasil: Marcello Jun de Oliveira, Kent Larsen eu, Antônio. Acreditamos estar trabalhando numa “boa causa”, de nossa “livre e espontânea vontade” (D&C 58: 27).

      Quaisquer dúvidas, entre em contato.

      Antônio Trevisan Teixeira

  • Just FYI, I am organizing a conference at the University of Utah for Latin American Mormon Studies. I will have a call for papers out in a few weeks. I will announce it on the blog with more detailed information.

    Solo para que sepan, estoy organizando una conferencia que se llevara a cabo en la Universidad de Utah que se tratara con Esdudios Mormones en Latino America. Dentro de unas cuantas semanas hare una invitacion a enviar ponencias. Se anunciara en el blog de con informacion detallada.

  • antniotrevisanteixeira

    Thanks for letting us know about your event, Jared. For sure we have a mutual interest in promoting Mormon scholarship on Latin American. Let’s keep in touch!

  • Awfully sorry to respond so late, but I would like to answer Antonio Trevisan’s inquiry put on Times and Seasons’ site. I found it far late since it was posted.

    Our Japanese study group (conference) usually has about ten people. Once about 40-50 people attended, as it was held in centennial year of Japanese mission.

    Local leadership has been silent about our activity but I think their attitude has been understanding; some even posted our announcement in chaples.

    I am so sorry to tell you that I cannot attend the coming conference in Brazil, due to lack of time to get visa. I was in China until the end of December, 2009.

    But I would certainly be watchful to read papers presented on 23 January.

  • antniotrevisanteixeira

    Thanks for your reply, Jiro. I was glad to hear about your study group and I hope we can continue sharing some insights and info on our events.

  • Diego Moretti

    Gostaria muitíssimo de participar da próxima edição, já que não pude estar nesta. Queria saber se a mesma será realizada novamente em São Paulo, e também, se existe alguma perspectiva para a transmissão via internet das apresentações, o que poderia popularizar o evento entre acadêmicos e demais interessados que residem longe. Como um estudante universitário de educação, tenho grande interesse em participar das próximas edições, quer ao vivo, quer por meio de algum recurso de transmissão.
    Obrigado pela iniciativa!!!

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